Initiate Zero Trust, 24/7 Protection, Continuously Verify Every User & Device

Zero Trust Architecture

Using PKI Technology to Establish a Zero-trust Architecture

Offering various PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) services, including CA (Certificate Authority) certificate management system, RA (Registration Authority) certificate registration system, and VA (Validation Authority) multi-certificate verification server.

Two-way Authentication & TLS Secure Channel

Utilizing device certificates for mutual authentication, devices verify the validity of each other's certificates. Devices establish an encrypted secure channel for data transmission through connections such as Bluetooth, WiFi, WANGOX, or NBT. This ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and reliability of data transmission, complying with international standards.

System OTA Online Upgrade

Pushing new versions of software or system updates to end devices over the network, the OTA (Over-The-Air) upgrade process eliminates the need for terminals to connect to a computer or use a USB cable. Devices automatically complete the upgrade upon receiving the update package via the network, enabling fast and convenient system or software updates. Additionally, it reduces maintenance costs for end-users and service providers

OTA ensuring secure connections

The OTA online upgrade service adopts end-to-end security mechanisms, including Transport Layer Security (TLS) mutual authentication. OTA update traffic is managed and delivered through CHANGING OTA server, with each incoming and outgoing HTTP or MQTT message passing through authentication and authorization. Additionally, device firmware can undergo digital signing before OTA updates, ensuring it originates from a reliable source and remains unaltered.

Meets Global Cybersecurity Standards

Helping device manufacturers consider cybersecurity compliance in product design and production

NIST 800-207: U.S. Federal Internet of Things (IoT) Cybersecurity Act.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), based on previous IoT guidelines, establishes minimum security standards and guidelines for the federal government. This includes aspects such as identifying and managing security vulnerabilities in IoT devices, IoT technology development, identity management, remote software patching, and configuration management.

IEC 62443: International Industrial Control System (ICS) Security Standard

Internationally recognized cybersecurity standard for Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS).

ISO/SAE 21434: Automotive Cybersecurity Standard

Developed jointly by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), ISO/SAE 21434 aims to guide cybersecurity engineering for vehicle electronic systems within the automotive industry. It provides a structured approach to ensure that electronic and vehicle communication systems used in vehicles are adequately considered for cybersecurity during the design and manufacturing phases. The standard covers various electronic and software components, including automotive control systems and communication networks.

IEC 61850: Substation Communication Standard

Established by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for communication and automation in power systems, IEC 61850 provides a standardized communication framework to support communication and information exchange among different devices in power systems, such as switchgear, protection devices, and control equipment. It defines various communication protocols, data models, and communication concepts to ensure interoperability and integration in power systems.

CRA (Cybersecurity Resilience Act): Draft legislation proposed by the European Commission for cybersecurity resilience in the European Union

Proposing regulations for all IoT devices, both software and hardware, entering the EU market. Based on security-by-design, devices are classified according to their significance, with established cybersecurity regulations for critical products. The proposal includes provisions for periodic security assessments and requirements for obtaining security labels, aiming to implement the zero-trust cybersecurity principle.

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