IoT Security Solution

Throughout the entire lifecycle of IoT devices, we provide multi-layered security measures, from design and production to operation, ensuring thorough safeguards. This includes chip trust roots, key management, certificate management, and IoT security services, among others.

Five Key Measures for IoT Security

The rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT) has brought about new opportunities for various industries, while also presenting unprecedented challenges. As IoT devices play an increasingly important role in our lives and work, protecting these devices and the data they carry has become a crucial task. To assist you in establishing a secure and reliable IoT environment, we provide the following five security recommendations:

1. Each device utilizes certificates for identity authentication

Every IoT device should possess a unique digital certificate to verify its identity and ensure data integrity. Traditional methods such as fixed passwords or shared keys are increasingly inadequate in addressing the security challenges posed by IoT. Therefore, the importance of having unique digital certificates cannot be overstated.

These digital certificates can be provided by manufacturers or generated by enterprises and organizations themselves. The certificate content should encompass essential identity information of the device, such as manufacturer, model, serial number, etc., to ensure accuracy and traceability. Utilizing unique certificates offers the following benefits:

  • Verifying device identity

  • Ensuring integrity of device data

  • Preventing device forgery or spoofing

  • Restricting access to and control of devices

2. Prioritize storing private keys in hardware

Private keys play a critical role in IoT security, and securely storing them in hardware, such as Trusted Platform Module (TPM) chips, can provide a higher level of security assurance.

Once a private key is compromised, the device may become vulnerable to attacks and manipulation. Therefore, storing private keys in hardware is essential. TPM chips, serving as secure cryptographic processors, effectively prevent unauthorized use of private keys.

TPM chips are secure cryptographic processors that offer the following functionalities:

  • Securely storing private keys

  • Performing encryption operations

  • Protecting devices from attacks

3. Verifying digital signatures for firmware and software updates

IoT devices should rigorously verify the digital signatures of firmware and software updates to ensure their authenticity and integrity. The digital signature referred to here is a cryptographic technique used to sign electronic files, crucial for ensuring data remains unaltered or tampered with during transmission.

By verifying digital signatures, IoT devices can ensure the authenticity of firmware and software updates, thus mitigating potential vulnerabilities or security risks introduced by unauthorized tampering. This measure effectively prevents malicious third-party intervention, ensuring the security and stability of system operations.

Verifying digital signatures can bring the following benefits:

  • Ensuring the authenticity of firmware and software updates.

  • Preventing firmware and software updates from being tampered with or forged.

  • Protecting devices from malicious software attacks.

4. Establishing organization-specific root of trust

The Root of Trust (RoT) plays a crucial role in IoT security as it serves as the cornerstone for establishing a secure trust chain. The trust chain refers to a series of trust relationships extending from each device to the root of trust. By establishing an organization-specific root of trust, enterprises and organizations can have full control over all key elements in the trust chain.

This approach enables enterprises and organizations to autonomously determine which devices and personnel should be trusted, ensuring that the entire system operates without unauthorized interference or harm. By establishing specific roots of trust, enterprises and organizations can effectively build a robust and reliable security framework to address the increasingly complex security challenges in the IoT environment.

5. Continuous lifecycle management of certificates and keys

Key Management System (KMS) is a critical platform used for key backup and recovery operations, working in conjunction with a certificate management system to store encryption keys and perform recovery tasks. This system can backup multiple keys simultaneously, providing organizations or units with a secure encryption environment to prevent key loss, thus ensuring the recovery of important electronic documents.

In IoT devices, certificates and keys should possess characteristics such as being updateable, replaceable, and revocable to ensure system security. Additionally, operator permission controls, key settings, certificate installations, and queries of key backup and recovery records can be performed through online operations to ensure the effectiveness and security of management.

  • Renewability: As time progresses, encryption algorithms may become susceptible to breaches. Therefore, certificates and keys should be renewable to utilize more robust encryption technologies.

  • Replaceability: In the event of certificate or key compromise, they should be replaceable with new certificates or keys.

  • Revocability: If certificates or keys are no longer secure, they should be revocable.

Against the backdrop of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the rampant spread of ransomware attacks, the importance of security for IoT devices such as smart home appliances, industrial control systems, and medical equipment is increasingly evident. IoT security protection is not merely a technical challenge but also an essential responsibility for enterprises and organizations. By adhering to the five key measures mentioned above, we can establish a more secure and reliable IoT environment to address the growing complexity of security threats.

Adhering to these measures will help reduce the risk of IoT systems falling victim to malicious attacks or unauthorized access, while ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. While pursuing innovation and efficiency, it's essential to always remember the importance of IoT security and continuously strive to take appropriate measures to protect our digital assets and privacy.

IoT Security, Safeguarding the Entire Lifecycle

IoT Security Solution

Device Design Stage

Device Production Stage

Device Maintenance,
Operation & Release Stages

Hardware RoT Design In IoT Device with security functions-to ensure device identification, integrity & secure connectivity.

IC program production involves key protection,firmware signature & device certification issuing.

Device connection authentication,secure connection channel & firmware Over-The-Air secure updates.

Device Authentication & Secure Channel Functions
  • Verify the identification of the device.

  • TLS two-way authentication and encrypted channel.

  • Data signing to ensure data integrity and non-repudiation.

Secure Boots & Firmware Update Functions
  • Use a secure chip's RoT for device firmware integrity checks.

  • Securely store device data with encryption and signatures for confidentiality and integrity, preventing tampering.

Hardware RoT (Root of Trust) Design in Devices
For IoT device manufacturer :
  • TrustM security module.

  • Linux TPM security module.

For IC design firm :
  • MCU Trust Zone + PUF IP

Key Management System, KMS
  • Certificate management system integration.

  • Integrated with HSM (Hardware Security Module).

IC Program Production of Code Sign Firmware,Including Verification Systems
  • IC code signing and firmware program.

  • Verification management.

IC Program Production of Certificate Issuance and Verification Management System.
  • IC production certificate issuance and program.

  • Verification management.

Two options of IC program production :
  • The device manufacturer establishes an internal setup for IC programming.

  • CHANGING has collaborated with compatible burning factories, allowing equipment suppliers to outsource burning services.

Device Certificate PKI Infrastructure
  • Certificate Authority.

  • Registration Authority.

  • Validation Authority.

Over-The-Air (OTA)
  • Device authentication.

  • Establish a secure communication channel.

  • OTA software signature.

  • Update verification.

  • Rollback mechanism.

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